WE DEVELOP AND MANUFACTURE MEANS OF RADIO ELECTRONIC WARFARE AND INTELLIGENCE. Our mission is to protect people’s lives. We test our equipment at the frontline together with the military. The quality of our products is confirmed by their government certification, codification according to NATO standards, and production contracts from the Ministry of Defense.
Safety Devices are the experts in Roll Over Protection Systems (ROPS), designing and manufacturing specialised solutions for over 50 years.
With a proven track record in delivering major projects on time and on budget, Safety Devices have developed and built ROPS to fit a number of military vehicles used in daily operations across the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia.
Having designed and built bespoke ROPS solutions for Land Rover, BAE Systems, General Dynamics and Ricardo, Safety Devices lead the field in automotive and military safety.
Náš trezor pro Váš klid. Trezory vyrábíme přes 30 let a neustále je zdokonalujeme. Mezi odběrateli máme i ministerstva a nadnárodní koncerny. Od roku 1991 jsme dodali již přes 62 000 trezorů. Vyrábíme kolem 2 000 výrobků ročně a většina z nich putuje do evropských států.